Sunday, July 3, 2016


We have spent lots of hours at the bureau, but have also had time to visit Tchibaou Cultural Center with a new member. The architect of these unusual buildings is Renzo Piano. Monsieur Tchibaou was a minister and visionary leader of the Kanaks, but was assassinated by another Kanak who disliked Tchibaou's policy on Kanak independence from France.

Tchibauo Cultural Center

Kanak (Native) House

Interact with investigators.

Attend baptisms.

Give blessings of health or comfort or participate in giving a name and a blessing (Elder Glade).

Deliver a bike to a missionary in Kone the northernmost city in the mission 3 and 1/2 hours away.  It was the first time (May 30th) that I had been north of the airport in Tontuta.

Loved his new bike

Missionary home and meeting place for the branch on the patio

Replica of a Kanak home in a roundabout up north

Check availability of pants for sisters to wear (Sister Glade).  The church announced a policy that sisters in certain areas of the world can wear pants during the rainy season to protect themselves from mosquito bites.  There are lots of questions about this policy. The sister trainers and I went to Noumea to see what a sister could possibly buy here. There were no nice women's slacks available.  The sisters tried on men's pants to see if they might work.
What do you think?

Who knew that missionary work could involve trying on pants in a men's store dressing room?

Attend a wedding.  All marriages in New Caledonia must be performed by the government not a church.  This wedding took place at city hall, but the celebrating took place at our chapel with a huge feast and lots of music and Wallisian dancing.  We love Wallisian music and dancing. There are lots of Tahitians, Wallisians, and Futunans who have come to New Caledonia to work.
The pig was cut by a man swinging a machete at it with all of his might.  Another ward member stood by him to make sure nobody got too close or accidentally walked up behind him.

Wish I knew how to include a movie, not just a shot from it.  The music and dancing are so much fun!

Hike Mont Dore.  We haven't had much time on p-day to explore, but finally had a block of unscheduled time.
The views were spectacular--worth five days of sore muscles

Plant flowers outside the bureau.

It is especially fun to plant here because things grow so fast.
      There is definitely plenty to keep us busy here inside the office and out.

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